Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Break 2011 - India

Wrote this last Monday but couldn't post until today.

Hello world,

We have been spending the last three days or so exploring the coast and traveling south to Pondicherry. The first day we stopped at a neat place that recreates southern Indian homes and culture. Later in the day we stopped at crocodile farm. They also had snakes, which was pretty insane. I had never seen a cobra.

Ironic "welcome" doormat

Extracting the venom

The next day we visited temple sites that date back to the 6th century. Suri was along with us again and served as our tour guide for the day.

Yesterday we went to Auroville which is an experimental community of human unity. It was an interesting experience for sure. They had a lot of things I agreed with (sustainable growth, experiencing God through interactions with others, social justice, etc.) but they had a strange devotion to "The Mother" who started the city forty years ago.

Made me miss Dorthy

Today we actually made it to Pondicherry. We visited an ashram and temple downtown. We are hanging out in the city this afternoon. There was an elephant outside the temple that would bless you by brushing it's trunk against your head.

Tomorrow we are driving to a mine and visiting there. We will head back to MCC on Tuesday.


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